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Federal Office for Spatial Development ARE
Working group of all three levels of government for spatial development in Switzerland
Noord (Design) | Federal Office for Spatial Development ARE (Content)

What will Switzerland look like in 2050? The Spatial Concept gets to the bottom of this question. It forms an orientation framework and a decision-making aid for Switzerland's future spatial development and is the first strategy document in Swiss spatial development to be jointly developed and supported by all levels of government. The new website for the spatial concept serves as a platform for external and internal communication and enables experts and the general public to follow and support the process. The strikingly fresh scrollable design and playful elements bring users closer to the spatial concept in a simple way.

Raumkonzept Schweiz
Raumkonzept Schweiz
Raumkonzept Schweiz
Raumkonzept Schweiz
Raumkonzept Schweiz